1. Report -

    When deaf patients persevere with the consultation without a BSL interpreter it invariably results in misinformation and then misdiagnosis.
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    A number of patients had contacted Healthwatch Sandwell during the COVID-19 pandemic as they have been unable to register with a National Health dentist. Dentists were not taking on new patients and were not offering routine checks (due to COVID-19 restrictions). However, some patients were able to access a dentist for emergency treatment.
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    You might remember our Guided By You tour where we held six workshops in six Towns around Sandwell. We visited each Town and spoke to local people about their priorities. We have collated the comments and suggestions from people in each town, this information is now ready in our Guided By You report which is not live!

    Want to see what people in your local area are saying? Use the download button below to see what people are saying in your area.