Urology Outpatients clinic at Birmingham Treatment Centre - City Hospital

Urology is the medical term focusing on the urinary tracts of men and women, and on the reproductive system of men. The Urology Department at both City and Sandwell Hospital sites provide a general urological service as well as sub-specialist tertiary referral care. The team of consultant urologists is supported by junior medical staff and clinical nurse practitioners providing a wide range of services for benign and malignant urological

On the day of the visit, the clinic was welcoming, clean, free from clutter and the décor well maintained. Covid-19 precautions were in place: signs on the floor for social distancing, sanitising hand gel dispensers at the reception etc. Prior to our visit a poster was delivered to the outpatients’ clinic to advertise the visit. On the day of the visit, this was displayed within the clinic adjacent to the main waiting area.


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Urology Outpatients Clinic at Birmingham Treatment Centre

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