1. News -

    Do you want to contribute to maintaining the standards of excellence in local health and social care? Apply to become a Healthwatch Sandwell Health Advisory Board Member.
  2. Report -

    You might remember our Guided By You tour where we held six workshops in six Towns around Sandwell. We visited each Town and spoke to local people about their priorities. We have collated the comments and suggestions from people in each town, this information is now ready in our Guided By You report which is not live!

    Want to see what people in your local area are saying? Use the download button below to see what people are saying in your area.
  3. News -

    Good mental health is essential for individuals, families and communities to thrive.

    Mental health is not just about preventing mental illness, but also improving the things that keep us well in our communities.

    Our social connections, the environment we live in and the opportunities we have all affect our health and wellbeing, including our mental health.

    Mental health is a natural part of everyday life, and individuals with mental health challenges can lead fulfilling lives and actively participate in our community.

    The Sandwell Better Mental Health strategy 2023-2026 focuses on improving population wellbeing and preventing mental health issues. Our goal is to make sure that people experiencing mental health problems can get the right care at the right time and at the right place, while also supporting everyone in Sandwell to have good mental wellbeing.
  4. Report -

    Information for our Health Advisory Board Meeting to be held 4th July 2023.