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    The Pharmacy First service is available for patients registered with practices in the Black Country and West Birmingham.
    If you are exempt from prescription charges then you can access this service which gives you over-the-counter medicines rather than you needing to see a GP to receive the medication on a free prescription.
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    Do you want to contribute to maintaining the standards of excellence in local health and social care? Apply to become a Healthwatch Sandwell Health Advisory Board Member.
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    Healthwatch England published the second piece of research on GP referrals, which was based on the experiences of 1,518 people who have asked for a GP referral for tests, diagnosis or treatment. Nearly one in five (18%) of those people required four or more GP appointments to get a referral. Healthwatch England have called on decision makers to do more to understand the referral process eg. collect national data, and to improve communication with patients.
    They secured an exclusive article with the Times to highlight the issue of referral delays.
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    Hello May,

    Healthwatch Sandwell latest ebulletin.
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    Healthwatch Sandwell will be visiting premises throughout 2023. Keep up to date on the latest Enter and View reports on our website or following us on socials media!
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    9.9% of the Sandwell population have diabetes, which is higher than the National average at 7.1%. and the West Midlands at 8%. NHS G.P. Practice data 2020-21 for Sandwell indicates an overall upward trend. Sandwell also performs poorly on inter-related health conditions, has lower healthy life expectancy and higher mortality rates from preventable deaths. (Sandwell Trends - Public Health England statistics)

    Healthwatch Sandwell would like to collaborate with health, care and support services to ensure patients voices are heard. To help inform and improve services Healthwatch Sandwell would like to hear from Sandwell residents living with diabetes.
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    Healthwatch Sandwell (HWS) have the power to visit health and social care services, where health and social care is publicly funded and delivered. This power to Enter and View services offers a way for HWS to meet some of their statutory functions and to collect evidence of what works well. HWS use this evidence to make recommendations to commissioners and providers of health and social care services and to inform changes both for individual services as well as system wide and to improve people’s experiences.
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    During July Healthwatch England launched new research which shows people are experiencing catastrophic health impacts as a result of NHS appointments, procedures and operations being delayed or cancelled.

    The Daily Telegraph says “Did you know 4 in 10 NHS patients face multiple delays in treatment?”
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    Celebrating World Menopause Day and Menopause Awareness Month 2023

    October is World Menopause Month, and October 18th celebrated as World Menopause Awareness Day, with the focus this year on cardiovascular health. Established in 2009 by the International Menopause Society in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), World Menopause Month aims to raise awareness of the menopause and the possible associated health issues, whilst promoting support options available to improve the health and wellbeing of those navigating the menopause transition.
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    Good mental health is essential for individuals, families and communities to thrive.

    Mental health is not just about preventing mental illness, but also improving the things that keep us well in our communities.

    Our social connections, the environment we live in and the opportunities we have all affect our health and wellbeing, including our mental health.

    Mental health is a natural part of everyday life, and individuals with mental health challenges can lead fulfilling lives and actively participate in our community.

    The Sandwell Better Mental Health strategy 2023-2026 focuses on improving population wellbeing and preventing mental health issues. Our goal is to make sure that people experiencing mental health problems can get the right care at the right time and at the right place, while also supporting everyone in Sandwell to have good mental wellbeing.
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    We will be back open on 28th December as normal.